DEAF04 - Affective Turbulance

V2_: DEAF04 - Affective Turbulance


The Cocktail of Affective Systems (program)

12 Nov 18:00-18:30

A festive toast to the heroes keeping the system up, alive and perpetually within the zone of creative turbulence required to guarantee its future unhindered and open existence.

The DEAF daily Happy Hour at 18:00 ...

The calc project geografia affettiva (geanet) is about giving each member of a community the possibility to compose, to inform and to visualize his/her personal "maps" and "plans" and overlay and mix them with maps and plans from other members and/or other communities. The presentation will show what the calc understandings of "map" and "plan" are within the context of a community (a network) which shares interests and motivations. Do these overlays and mixes therefore generate new information and ideas for structuring networked communities?

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