DEAF04 - Affective Turbulance

V2_: DEAF04 - Affective Turbulance


Tactical Urban Map Hack (workshop)

11 Nov 15:00-17:00 , 12 Nov [All Day] , 13 Nov [All Day]
free with exhibition ticket purchase

Thursday, November 11, 15.00 - 17.00 h

(Van Nelle Ontwerpfabriek, Open Brunch space)
  • Introduction into Cartographic Command Center and registration for workshop segments (BioMapping, FRIDA V., Radar)
Introduced by Marc Tuters, with projects run by Christian Nold (DE/GB), Luka Frelih (SI), Aljosa Abrahamsberg (SI) and Ewen Chardronnet (FR)

Friday, November 12 and Saturday, November 13, 10.00h - 17.00h

Location (meeting points):
  • Segment A - Biomapping: V2_ Institute for the Unstable Media, Eendrachtsstraat 10, Rotterdam
  • Segment B - FRIDA V.:
    • Data collecting rides with FRIDA V. bike: V2_ Institute for the Unstable Media, Eendrachtsstraat 10, Rotterdam
    • Data to Map processing workshop: Work Space 1 at Van Nelle exhibition building
  • Segment C - Marine Radar and Sensor Array Tracking Device: Tearoom (on roof of main Van Nelle building)
Traditionally the mapping of territory has been a form of visual knowledge generated by a relative few with an aim to codify space in relation to the domination of power within an exclusive and closed structure. Borders, zones of use and activity, regulations and the re-editing of existing spatial realities have long been maintained by legions of state cartographers as a means of legitimising and enforcing the hierarchy of governments and the omnipresence of bureaucracies. With open- and web-cartography applications allowing individuals to visualize their relative location and the proximity of online communities in real time, the transformation of the practice of mapping becomes part of a tactical realm of free expression and active engagement. Through Christian Nold's Biomapping Research Project, Luka Frelih's FRIDA V. (Free Ride Data Acquisition Vehicle) and the Projekt ATOL's Marine Radar and Sensor Array Tracking Device the Tactical Urban Map Hack workshop at DEAF invites the public to experience and participate in artistic and activist open- or web-cartography projects which harness and further develop the notions inherent in the creation of open urban cartographic systems. The emergent and real time data, integrating the content delivered by the workshop participants will be consolidated in online digital maps that will be displayed live during DEAF within the Cartographic Command Center (CCC), developed by Marc Tuters and Jaanis Garancs in collaboration with the Mobile Digital Commons Network (MCDN).

During the workshop's introduction of Thursday (November 11, 15.00h), participants can register for these all or some of these workshop segments.

Workshop Segments:

BIOMAPPING (segment A)

by Christian Nold (D/GB)
Location (meeting point): V2_ Institute for the Unstable Media, Eendrachtsstraat 10, Rotterdam

Bio Mapping explores new ways that we as individuals can make use of the information we can gather about our own bodies. Instead of security technologies that are designed to control our behaviour, this project envisages new tools that allows people to selectively share and interpret their own bio data.

The current version of the Bio Mapping system allows people to measure their Galvanic Skin Response (GSR), which is a simple indicator of emotional arousal in conjunction with their geographical location. By sharing this information we can construct maps that visualise where we as a community feel stressed and excited. Will other people's experiences allow us to engage differently with our environment? Go on tours wearing the Bio Mapping set to explore the connection between city's places and your emotional arousals.,

FRIDA V. (Free Ride Data Aquisition Vehicle) (segment B)

by Luka Frelih (SI)
Meeting points:
  • Data collecting rides with FRIDA V. Bike: V2_ Institute for the Unstable Media, Eendrachtsstraat 10, Rotterdam
  • Data to Map processing workshop: Work Space 1 at Van Nelle exhibition building
Frida V. is a rugged and comfortable bicycle equipped for efficient exploration and mapping of public urban spaces. It carries a small computer, GPS positioning device,  802.11 wireless  network transceiver  and a basic audiovisual recording unit.  The consolidated software and hardware assembly enables automated mapping of uncovered wireless networks, easy creation of location tagged media and opportunistic synchronization with a server resource on the internet. FRIDA V builds new views of the city, by creating mapped objects through electronic data collected during exploratory bike rides (-> "Data collecting" part) and then processing this data into various forms of visualisation (-> "Data to Map" part). Let the warriding and rideblogging in Rotterdam begin...

Marine Radar and Sensor Array Tracking Device (segment C)

installed, manned and presented by Ewen Chardronnet (F) and Aljosa Abrahamsberg (SI)
Location: Tea Room on roof of main Van Nelle building

The Marine Radar and Sensor Array Tracking Device will be installed at DEAF to measure and gage the unseen flow and interaction of marine traffic and electro-communications activity within the unique
port influenced urban environment of the city of Rotterdam, the Marine Radar and Sensor Array Tracking Device conceived by Projekt Atol - Pact Systems (SI) for mapping the electromagnetic spectrum will be activated during the workshop period. The workshop introduces to the history of radar technology, which sill is not fully investigated for its environmental applications, and explores the role of the Control Towers of the coasts and ports that use this type of technologies. This condition almost suggests by itself to investigate further the potentiality of the technology and its equipment: for example to use it for environmental monitoring and psychoartistic works. One concrete aim of the workshop is to work on the radar's display output signal, so it can be reused to display on big screens and to establish a stream, what would open the options of use significant and allow you to link together several radar systems.

Experts call: Although the workshop is open to the general public we are seeking the inclusion of media artists, programmers, stream specialists and radar/radio amateurs to participate in this challenge. Please bring your laptop and, if possible, stream kit with you.

A presentation on the history of  radar, CMR (Civil Marine Radar) applications and radio scanners for tactical and artistic purposes will take place subsequent to the general introduction on Thursday, November 11.
Het in kaart brengen van een gebied is altijd een exclusieve, gesloten bezigheid geweest, een middel om de hiërarchie van overheden en bureaucratieën te legitimeren en te handhaven. Deze driedaagse workshop in Rotterdam betrekt het publiek bij kunstzinnige en actiegerichte projecten van webcartografie als deelnemers in het creëren van open stedelijke cartografische systemen.


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