DEAF04 - Affective Turbulance

V2_: DEAF04 - Affective Turbulance


The War-Riders Cocktail (program)

13 Nov 18:00-18:30

A festive toast to the heroes keeping the system up, alive and perpetually within the zone of creative turbulence required to guarantee its future unhindered and open existence.

The DEAF daily Happy Hour at 18:00 ...

Frelih will present the FRIDA V. (Free Ride Data Aquisition Vehicle), a rugged and comfortable bicycle equipped for efficient exploration and mapping of public urban spaces. It carries a small computer, GPS positioning device,  802.11 wireless network transceiver  and a basic audiovisual recording unit.  The consolidated software and hardware assembly enables automated mapping of uncovered wireless networks, easy creation of location tagged media and opportunistic synchronization with a server resource on the internet. FRIDA V builds new views of the city, by creating mapped objects through electronic data collected during exploratory bike rides and then processing this data into various forms of visualisation.


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