DEAF04 - Affective Turbulance

V2_: DEAF04 - Affective Turbulance


[Networking Booths] Perpetual Self Dis-Infecting Machine  


 You people are pathetic fools. Do you truly believe that a virus is art? Innovative, perhaps. Interesting, maybe. But art? No. I'm not even saying what you're doing is dangerous. It's stupid and petty. Find yourself a real medium to work with or get a real job. 'Cause this ain't art.

The artists of the collective received this email in response to the virus they had "exhibited" (read: spread) during the Venice Biennale. The project caused much commotion and irritation, as the above reaction shows. The artists' collective sought to show with the (harmless) virus the degree to which computer viruses are mediatized: "We are not interested in damaging a computer, but more on the media effect viruses have." At the moment a new virus appears on the 'net, a veritable hysteria ensues and thousands of warning emails are sent out into the world.

The work presents the endless attack and counterattack of the viruses and antiviruses that infect the world of computing. The project brings to light many of the political, cultural, and business issues unique to the networked society while questioning our conventional ideas of identity, originality, and the role of the artist in the age of anonymous technological reproduction.
You people are pathetic fools. Do you truly believe that a virus is art? Innovative, perhaps. Interesting, maybe. But art? No. I'm not even saying what you're doing is dangerous. It's stupid and petty. Find yourself a real medium to work with or get a real job. 'Cause this ain't art.

Dit mailtje ontvingen de kunstenaars van het collectief naar aanleiding van het virus dat ze hadden 'tentoongesteld' (lees: verspreid) tijdens de Biënnale van Venetië. Het project bracht veel beroering en irritatie teweeg, zoals bovenstaande reactie toont. Het kunstenaarscollectief wilde met dit (ongevaarlijke) virus aantonen hoezeer computervirussen gemediatiseerd worden: 'We are not interested in damaging a computer, but more on the media effect viruses have'. Op het moment dat een nieuw virus op het net opduikt, ontstaat er een ware hysterie en worden duizenden e-mails met waarschuwingen de wereld ingestuurd. wilde profiteren van de media-aandacht die elk virus sowieso krijgt, om het als kunstwerk te promoten. Met hun werk demystificeren de kunstenaars de werkingen van het computervirus, door mensen er van dichtbij mee in contact te laten komen.

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